Testosterone's Effect on the Skin

As men age, the appearance of the skin becomes more of a concern, Supporting appropriate testosterone levels is one strategy that may go a long way to help this age-related change. 

Young males generally have soft, clear skin until puberty hits and acne starts to appear. This is due to the increase in oil secretion driven by rising testosterone. The large hormone change during puberty is responsible for significant changes in skin quality, If you can maintain healthy testosterone levels throughout life, your skin can maintain a young and supple look. The naturally occurring oils act as a skin moisturizer that penetrates more deeply than any lotion you can buy. 

In addition to its impact on oil production, testosterone also exerts an anti-inflammatory effect on skin and can quiet mast cell formation, an important function of testosterone in both men and women. This effect could contribute to the increased incidence of inflammatory skin conditions in women.

Since the decline of testosterone production is a natural consequence of aging, it is very important for men to support healthy levels with lifestyle and proper nutrition. One of the best things that men can do as they age is to maintain an appropriate body weight. When there is an increase in body fat, the enzyme aromatase is also increased. Aromatase is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and for obese men, can have significant impact on testosterone levels. 

There are also several supplements and herbs to help support healthy testosterone levels in men. Zinc is a supplement that should be viewed as essential in men as it is a co-factor in hundreds of reactions throughout the body including testosterone synthesis. It is also an aromatase inhibitor, so it supports balanced aromatase function, decreasing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen through aromatization. Another great option is the herb Tribulus terrestris, which when used at a dose of 625 mg three times a day for 10 days, resulted in creased serum testosterone levels in one study.

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels throughout the lifetime of a male can have profound health impacts throughout their entire body, including the skin. If you are looking to make your male partner a bit happier, supporting healthy testosterone levels may be just the answer.