Eat the Rainbow

Fruits and vegetables belonging to the blue and purple family deliver more than just color to your plate; they are recognized as a powerful source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are responsible for counteracting harmful compounds known as free radicals in the body. The pigments that color these foods also play a crucial role in helping to protect your body's systems.

Phytochemicals such as resveratrol, lutein, vitamin C, fiber, anthocyanins, ellagic acid and quercetin are some of the vital elements that make blue and purple fruits and vegetables so important to a healthy, balanced diet. These fruits and veggies carry other health benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's and certain cancer risks, supporting healthy again, eye health and immune response as well as aiding in the absorption of calcium and other minerals.

The eggplant, one of the most popular purple vegetables, has been referred to as brain food due to the presence of nasunin. Nasunin is a phytonutrient and antioxidant found in the skin of eggplant that helps protect brain cell membranes from free radicals and limits new blood cell growth, reducing the risk of cancer. The B vitamins found in eggplants support the nervous system and the activity between the body's nerves and muscles. Incorporating eggplant into your diet is extremely beneficial - try substituting the meat in your lasagna with eggplant; you'll be amazed at how good is tastes with the added super health boost!


Blue and Purple Fruits and Veggies

Acai berries

Purple cabbage
Purple grapes
