Traveling with GUNA

Preparing for a trip can be daunting, so much to do before leaving, so much to think about bringing. Most of the time, the little things get left behind, the "just in case" items!

GUNA have come to the rescue with its new travel kit that contains all of the components you need to keep your body running smoothly for a happy and healthy trip;

  • GUNA-Dizzy - for motion sickness
  • GUNA-Virus - for those gastrointestinal conditions that cause diarrhea
  • GUNA-Bowel - for constipation
  • GUNA-Sleep - for jet lag
  • CITOMIX - to help your immune system in foreign countries

Whether you're traveling by train, plane or going on a cruise, the GUNA Travel Kit has everything you need for those "just in case" moments. You can get the whole kit or just what you need.