Vitamin D for Cold and Flu

It's November and that means that temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling and the cold and flu season is right around the corner. Do you ever wonder why the cold and flu season occurs in the fall and winter months? Many medical experts believe one cause is reduced immune function from waning vitamin D levels as people get less sun exposure as the days shorten. Studies show the incidence of acute viral illnesses increases as vitamin D levels decrease in the fall and winter months.

Some people are less efficient at making and processing vitamin D and may need higher doses, including:

  • anyone over the age of 50
  • those with higher levels of melanin (darker skin)
  • people who live in a northern climate
  • those that are overweight and obese or have had gastric bypass surgery
  • anyone with a milk or lactose allergy
  • those with Chrohn's disease or celiac disease
  • people with autoimmune disorders

D-1000: This vitamin supports cardiovascular, bone, nervous system, and immune function.

D-5000: For many people, 5000 IUs of vitamin D per day is helpful for keeping vitamin D levels in the normal range throughout the winter.

D-10000: When a patient is deficient it is helpful to dose them with a higher amount of vitamin D to get their levels up quickly. Some individuals choose to dose with D-10000 all winter to keep their levels from dropping.

D-25000: A great way to dose once a week or to take very high doses. Up to 1000 IU per pound of body weight for 3-4 days is recommended at the beginning of a viral illness like a cold or flu.

Vitamin D Liquid: Vitamin D Liquid is an easy way to take vitamin D for those who prefer to not swallow a capsule. Each drop contains 1000 IU of vitamin D.